The magical history of the beautiful Kyrgyzstan
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The amazingly beautiful land of mountains, valleys, glaciers, lakes and modernized and civilized people has been a home of various civilizations since 201 BC! The history of this land and its great people is associated with many world wars, important migrations, beginning of the construction of the Great Wall of China and many other significant events of the world.
Early history
In the great celestial mountain ranges of Central Asia – the Tian-Shan, several remains have been discovered that bespeak the existence of 200000 to 300000 years old human societies in the region which is now called Kyrgyzstan. The very oldest pieces of manuscripts by Kyrgyz happen in chronicles that look Chinese, which were possibly written down around 2000 BC.
The early Kyrgyz were basically nomadic people who had settled in north-west region of the Mongolian Empire. The Kyrgyz social groups have also remained as raiders, in 400 and 300 BC, who continually conquered territories of the Chinese and began the construction of the Great Wall of China in 3rd century BC. History has well-knighted the people of Kyrgyzstan with respectable titles of honesty and valor such as great fighters and remarkable traders possibly due to their personal qualities and their unanimous struggle to free themselves of any domination.
Pre World War I
The very first State of these people came into being in the 6th century, which was called the Kyrgyz Khanate. It expanded and also commercially flourished till the 13th century.
Much of the area that is now called Kyrgyzstan was home of the powerful ancient Scythians who had resisted invasion of many giant troops such as of Alexander the Great, however these people gradually vanished. The Kyrgyz have traced their descents from Russia that, during the rise of the Mongol Empire in the 13th century, had migrated to the present day Kyrgyzstan. With the 12th century came Islam, which has stayed as predominant religion of the people still present day.
The fourteen century and the preceding years brought a heap of devastation for the territories of Kyrgyzstan. The invasions of Mongols, Dzhuchi and the forceful living under the authority of Oriot and Jumgar Khanates and Golden Horde snatched away their independence from Kyrgyz along with their language and writing script. The people were overrun by Kalmyks, Manchus, and Uzbeks till the 19th century.
Post World War I
A noteworthy fact about the great Kyrgyz is that they were strong and never accepted being anyone's underlings. Despite of several defeats from Uzbeks of the Quqons Khanate and other powerful groups, the Kyrgyz maintained their struggle and also aimed to seek help from neighboring countries.
Consequently, with the willingness of the Kyrgyz In 1876 Russia defeated the Quqon Khanate and within five years captures the entire region of Kyrgyzstan. The Russian influence brought a lot of prosperity in the region along with the integration of Russian culture and values, and soon the area was modernized with large scale projects associated with mining, housing, road-building, school-building, etc. However, the country's policies were not aiming to educate the Kyrgyz as most stayed illiterate, continuing the conventional life like before.
It was soon that the repressive policies of Russians were discovered and a bloody rebellion took place in 1916 which started in Uzbekistan and then extended into Kyrgyzstan and other regions which cause a noteworthy loss of lives and out-migration to many Kyrgyz.
As the State Committee for the State of Emergency (SCSE) became authoritative in the Moscow, an attempt was seen to force out the president Akayev in Kyrgyzstan. After the coup collapsed the following week, President Akayev and Vice President Kuznetsov, and along with them the whole committee and secretariat, resigned from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan declared its independence on 31 August 1991. Old customs and traditions as well as the language of the Kyrgyz were seen to flourish once again in the region. The country was given recognition as it formed ties with various other countries like United States, Israel and Turkey.